This is a very simple yet delicious dish that is very typical of the Philippines. It requires only a few ingredients and is also easy for beginners to make.
3 slices of pork belly
2 large boiled potatoes
100ml Mama Sita's Barbecue Marinade
1 onion
1/2 tsp garlic powder
2 tbsp vinegar
5 bay leaves
100ml of water
Rice as a side dish
Cut the meat and potatoes into small pieces. Cut the onions into small cubes and then heat them up in a saucepan with the pork belly. Add the marinade and the bay leaves. Gradually add the garlic powder, vinegar and water. Cook everything for about 30-40 minutes. If the sauce gets too thick, simply top up with water. Just before serving, cook the pre-cooked potatoes in the sauce for a few minutes.
Of course, this goes best with a large portion of rice.